Saturday, 6 December 2014

ITV, Christmas Day 1981

By chance the next Betamax out of the pile was the one that contained the back-end of It'll Be Alright on the Night 3 from Christmas Day 1981.  "If you're one of those people" who likes old teletext, read on...

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The web stylesheets don't support held graphics, which is why we have black blocks separating the colours on the map.  Changes of mode (e.g. colour) require a control character, which was displayed as a black block.  Hold graphics allowed you to change mode and in the place of the black block you got the graphic character of the preceding character on the line.

You can't beat a Bond film after a big Christmas day lunch!

And here's the weather in ATV land

There was the customary 'review of the year'
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A rather nice festive index page
The graphics team are doing a bang-up job for Christmas!

Who needs 160 characters when you have 39?

Transmitter news now

Not sure what he's got to do with recipes, but never mind


More pink than I can take at this time in a morning

ORACLE was quite London-centric in 1981

 I found a page with lots of full-screen graphics; I'll post that later in a separate blog!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Amazing time-machine recovery. Thanks for doing this and sharing. Looking forward to the new stuff.

  2. - Thanks for the kind words! Yes, there are lots more, depending on the era/channel that you are interested in.

    I'll try and post this grab in full before Christmas.

  3. Love the 1970s to late 1980s but love any of the art too. How do you recover this stuff? Betamax into a PC with teletext software I guess? Really cool.

  4. The 'hows' are covered earlier in the blog, but you are essentially right, with the addition of some processing to de-blur the teletext signal.
